Wayanad District road map for the main tourist circuits
Major highways and routes to reach the popular tourist attractions in Wayanad is listed in the map.
Tourist map of Wayanad district with list of attractions and places. Major routes are includen in the map to reach these attractions in Wayanad.
Wayanad Tourism attractions map with hotspots. The regions are highlighted in the map based on the road routes to plan your Wayanad itinerary.
1. List of the attractions in the Kalpetta, Meppadi,Sulthan Bathery and Ambalavayal area of Wayanad.
2. List of attractions located at the west of Wayanad , between Kalpetta and Mananthavadi.
3. List of north Wayanad attractions beyond Mananthavady and around Kattikulam area.
4. List of east Wayanad attractions between Kuruva Island and Sulthan Bathery