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Tea Plantations in Wayanad

Tea Plantations in Wayanad
Tea Plantations in Wayanad

Tea Plantations in Wayanad


ayanad has a good deal of tea plantations. Many times your drive through this district would be through the rolling hills packed with tea estates.

Vythiti and Meppadi are areas if you are keen to see some of the tea plantations in Wayanad.

The best time to visit a tea plantation is those post monsoon seasons. Harvesting typically is an early morning affair, much before the sunrise. The tender leaves are manually plucked.

Those sparsely spaced Silver Oaks are essential for the plantation's survival. Tea is a rainfed crop. The efficiency of tea plantation's output depends on the adequate and uniform yearly distribution of rainfall and soil moisture. The Silver Oak does give the shade, but doesn't compete with the tea crop for the soil moisture.

Tea plants are bushy and pruned typically to your midriff level height, making the plucking easy. During the plucking, one will squeeze through the narrow gap between the plants.

Many resorts and home stays arrange plantation tours in Wayanad. It's peculiar Wayanad has plantations of Tea, rubber, coffee and spices, especially cardamom, though they grow in distinctively different soil and environmental conditions.

Of all these plantations, tea estates steals to show, thanks to the spectacular patterns it create on those rolling hills.

The tender tealeaves are plucked and dried to make tea

Teagarden from the Meppadi region of Wayaand

Tea Leaves from Wayanad

The tender tealeaves are plucked and dried to make tea

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Thirunelly village located deep inside the Western Ghats forest in Wayanad is home to the Thirunelli Maha Vishnu Temple and Papanasini. Thirunelli is also the starting point for the trek to Pakshipathalam.

Where to stay in Thirunelli?

There are a few accommodation options in Thirunelli, the village landlocked in the middle of a reserve forest. Book in advance, since the options are limited in Thirunelli.

Melvins Homestay

Melvins Homestay is one of the great value homestays in Wayanad.